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It's Not A Mugs Game


Personalised gifts are a beautiful way to show your nearest and dearest how much you love them, In a world where we don't know what to get friends or family for birthdays or any special occasions the answer is right in front of you whilst you are searching online with a nice cup of coffee or whatever beverage takes your fancy.

99.3% of the nation love nothing more than a cup of their favourite beverage to kick start their day so why not get something personalised for them with a mug with either their favourite football team on the front with maybe even their name on the back?

Personalised gifts be it a mug or other personalised gifts aren't just something to give your loved one but many businesses across the UK are getting personalised gifts for their customers which is also a great way to not only show their appreciation to their staff or customers but a great way to promote their business.

Take our business for instance, we not only do personalised gifts at prices that are very competitive but we also do large orders for businesses, we have only been trading for a month or so but businesses are already trusting us with their own customers by giving us orders to fulfil so that they can take pride in giving their customers our products.

In the month or so we have been trading we are already finding that word of mouth regarding our business is spreading and the recommendations have enabled us to come up with business partnerships to some very large businesses. Although we are only a small business we are at a stage now where we are ready to take an employee on full time to fulfil orders that are coming in regular from trusted businesses but also through our original sources of advertising and also through our website.

As a new business i was very apprehensive starting it in the first place due to the financial gambles and the time it would take me,especially with holding down a full time job but i have been delighted in the way things have gone in such a short space of time because statistically new businesses have a large percentage of failing within the first year so this gamble i would recommend to anyone thinking of starting their own business.




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